Past shows

Past shows are available below. Members of the Fan Club have the ability to stream them.

Turning your 10 year old into a prostitute?

Turning your 10 year old into a prostitute?

Apr 26, 2023

That's what the deep state is working towards. transgender, Bill Gates, detransitioning, Hunter Biden, children, sex worker

1 year ago
"Fare thee well, Tucker. We hardly knew thee"

"Fare thee well, Tucker. We hardly knew thee"

Apr 24, 2023

Tucker and Don shown the door. Tucker Calson, Don Lemon, Fox News, CNN

1 year ago
You CAN tell the future ... It's easy

You CAN tell the future ... It's easy

Apr 19, 2023

...also, Invasion coming. Evil Biden. The border is WORSE than you think. Biden, border, sex trafficking, FBI

1 year ago
Liberal INSANITY Continues

Liberal INSANITY Continues

Apr 17, 2023

... plus, how to SAVE your own family. trans, liberal, family, men's rights FIXED

1 year ago


Apr 11, 2023

The life you knew has ended. CBDC, banks, currency, petrodollar, collapse of the dollar

1 year ago
Programmed to KILL !

Programmed to KILL !

Apr 7, 2023

Transsexuals who commit mass murder are not an aberration ... it is the PLAN! transsexual, M2F, F2M, Violence, CCP, cultural revolution

1 year ago