It would be better that a millstone be hung around their neck ...
Radioactive with Steve Mitton
Nov 10, 2021
Highlights from this show:
What’s Next as 27 States, Multiple Businesses Sue to Stop Biden’s Vaccine Mandate
One court already has temporarily halted the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for private employers and legal battles are emerging across the nation as 27 states and multiple businesses and nonprofits sue to block the mandate on its likely path to the Supreme Court.
Joe Biden: The walking dead
Once again Jimmy Carter can breathe easier as another layer of worthless, ineffectual, bigoted, racist flesh now separates him from being the worse president in the history of America. Obama earned that title on steroids; but records are made to be broken, and that brings me to "Dementia Joe Biden."
COVID-19 hospitalizations rising in parts of California, a potentially ominous sign
COVID-19 hospitalizations have risen significantly in the Inland Empire and Central Valley, bringing new concerns about whether the shift represents a precursor to a wider spike in COVID-19 in California as the winter holidays approach.
Candace Owens Issues Warning to America: ‘We Are Being Radically Transformed Into a Communist Country’
We’re seeing policies being rolled out that wouldn’t make sense to Democrats twenty years ago, let alone Republicans and Independents today.
Since children were offered the Covid-19 Vaccine deaths among male Children have risen by 86%
The UK’s Medicine and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have openly admitted that they suspect myocarditis and pericarditis are potential side effects of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines, especially among young males.